Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Where's Your Integrity?

I'm guilty of this too. I've had a hard time getting to the point where I didn't want to see some former bosses spectacularly fail. Now, I know that in keeping with my value set, I'm to be wishing them well.

In this political season, it's especially true of Christians. We're supposed to be praying for our political leaders (1 Timothy 2.1-3) and submit to them (Romans 13.1 and following), owing them nothing but love. It's one thing to disagree with our leaders; it's another to work towards their demise, undermine and slander them. That's the heart of our politics, unfortunately. It does make you wonder if our candidates who claim to follow Jesus Christ have integrity.

Time magazine extolled the Protester as the Person of the Year in 2011. One of our pastors asked, "Are you a protester or a pray-er?" with regard to leadership.

Dilbert, the TV show "The Office" and movies like "Office Space" can show the ineffectual leaders we often find in business. I've worked with and for some doozies myself. I argued with them. I tried to change their policies. I tried to persuade others on the merits of my arguments. But I never slandered them. I admitted I didn't understand them. I didn't malign them.

However, I also never blessed them and hoped that they receive the best. For some bosses, that's still hard. I don't wish that they are hurt beyond repair. I have hoped they lose. I have a hard time hoping they win. That's what my value system requires. "Ask God to help them; intercede on their behalf, and give thanks for them. (1 Timothy 2.1). Oh, man, this is hard. But I've got to keep growing in this.

1 Timothy has a promise: we'll be able to live peaceful and quiet lives if we bless our leaders.
It also contains an approval: asking God to help our leaders is good and pleasing to God our Savior.
Asking God to cast down our leaders is not good or pleasing. If you believe this, then you've been challenged. I hope you have integrity.

Are you a protester or a pray-er?

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