Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Would You be Rehired?

Occasionally when people are upset about their pay, they wish they could be fired and then rehired because often the pay scales and rules would mean they'd get a bigger bump than they normally get in the yearly increases. This recent post reminded me of a lesson that I remind myself and sometimes teach my staff: if you were fired, would you be rehired?

Certainly, you have the requisite years of experience, and most likely the education. But have you been creating value for the organization? In other words, are you driving more benefit to your team, department, company than they're paying you?

Even as a director on corporate and non-profit boards, I prod myself out of complacency. Even if the pay is large, small or nonexistent, I should be more than a warm body at the table, more than a name on the letterhead, more than a connection. I need to be giving more than I get with the addition to my resumè.

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